Professor David Heald

Completed Projects

  • Jointly with Tom Mullen (School of Law, Glasgow University) and Gordon Marnoch (Public Policy, Ulster University), David Heald organised a series of knowledge exchange seminars on the United Kingdom's exit from the European Union. Iain Wright (Glasgow) was recruited as part-time Research Fellow on this project. Video interviews by speakers at the eight public events are available here. David Heald's video summaries of his presentations in Glasgow (25 April 2017), Cardiff (6 November 2017), Edinburgh (1 February 2018), London (8 March 2018) and Glasgow (28 March 2018) have direct links on the dates.
  • Together with David Steel (then Honorary Senior Research Fellow, University of Aberdeen Business School), David Heald researched the functioning of public sector Boards, writing up the results of a British Academy small grant both for academic publication and for knowledge transfer to those charged with the governance and management of UK public bodies. The first article was on the relationship of Chairs and Chief Executives, and the second article on the role of public sector Boards, particularly the role of Non-Executive Directors.
  • Professor Christopher Hood (Oxford) and David Heald were the academic organisers of a two-day conference on Fiscal Squeeze held at the British Academy on 9-10 July 2013. They contributed papers to the conference, which included nine country studies of historical episodes of fiscal squeeze, written by national experts to a common analytical framework. The resulting book was published in October 2014, by Oxford University Press, as Proceedings of the British Academy 197, 'When the Party's Over: The Politics of Fiscal Squeeze in Perspective', edited by Christopher Hood, David Heald and Rozana Himaz (now University College London).
  • David Heald and Christopher Hood (Oxford) organised a workshop on 'Transparency: The Word and the Doctrines', on 14 January 2005 at the British Academy. This was co-sponsored by the British Academy and the ESRC Public Services Research Programme. Subsequently, the papers presented at the workshop were published as Transparency: The Key to Better Governance? (Proceedings of the British Academy Volume 135, 2006), edited by Christopher Hood and David Heald. David Heald contributed two chapters to this book: Chapter 2 on 'Varieties of transparency'; and Chapter 4 on 'Transparency as an instrumental value'.
  • David Heald was commissioned by the Northern Ireland Economic Council to write a Report on 'Funding the Northern Ireland Assembly: Assessing the Options'. This was published on 3 March 2003, and is available here. The Policy Research Brief appears here. Publication was marked by a press conference on 3 March and by a seminar on 13 March.
  • David Heald's project on the financial arrangements for devolved government within the United Kingdom, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council's Devolution and Constitutional Change Research Programme, led to multiple publications. Together with Professor Charlie Jeffery, then Director of the Programme, he edited a special issue of Regional and Federal Studies (2003, Vol. 13(4)) on comparative experience in fiscal federalism. David Heald guest edited a special issue of Scottish Affairs (No. 41, November 2002) on 'Fiscal Autonomy under Devolution'. The Introduction, written jointly with Alasdair McLeod, appears here. David Heald and Alasdair McLeod wrote a comprehensive guide to United Kingdom and Scottish public expenditure planning and control. This is published as Chapter 10 (paras 480-551) of the revised Constitutional Law volume (2002) of The Laws of Scotland: Stair Memorial Encyclopaedia.
  • Operating without specific funding, David Heald and George Georgiou (Birmingham) successfully published their UK and international findings on Public-Private Partnership accounting and on the UK Whole of Government Accounts (both issues of implementation and macro-fiscal uses). Their 2011 PPP article in Financial Accountability & Management won the John Perrin Prize for best paper in that year's volume.
  • David Heald guest edited a symposium in Public Money & Management (Vol. 23, No. 1, January 2003) on 'The Global Revolution in Government Accounting', relatively early in the internationalising and harmonising journey of public sector accounting.